What is Baptist Heritage Press?
Baptist Heritage Press is a publishing house that republishes important, forgotten or out-of-print literature from the Particular Baptists.
Does Baptist Heritage Press only publish old works?
As of right now, yes. Our current focus is resurrecting classic Baptist literature. Often, many Baptists are not aware there is a rich tradition of theological works written by Baptists and for Baptists. We believe Christians everywhere, but especially Baptists, will grow deeper in their love for God and their understanding of the Scriptures by reading these forgotten works.
Does Baptist Heritage Press only publish Baptist works?
Yes. While there are wonderful resources from our Reformed Protestant brothers and sisters, our aim is to revive the Baptist tradition, and that starts by making the literature available.
Are Baptist Heritage Press books only available as PDFs?
As of right now, yes. Our goal is to get all our books in print, but we cannot do so without funding. If you would like to partner with us, please click our donate button at the top of the page for more information or consider buying one of our books.
How do I know when a new book comes out?
To stay up-to-date on all future releases, follow us on Twitter @bhpress_ and subscribe to our newsletter here.
What is The Particular Classics Series?
The Particular Classics Series aims to introduce the laity, pastor, and scholar to the classic works of the Particular Baptists. The works included in the series have been carefully selected to both reflect the best of the literature. It is our hope that these selected works will whet the appetite and summon Baptists to take up and read, to discover our Baptist fathers, and recover a heritage that has been buried for far too long.
Books in The Particular Classics Series can be identified by the white stripe at the bottom of the front cover.
What goes into making a Baptist Heritage Press book?
Many hours of typesetting and editing! One reason we are convinced the Baptist fathers are not read is because they are simply inaccessible. If a brave soul does track down a digital scan of one of these books, they will soon discover that it is a product from the Old World, a different world, with odd spellings and long Sās that are taxing on modern eyes. We hope to not only make these works accessible, but aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to read.
Below you can see the contrast between the original manuscript and a BHP reprint. On the left is the original manuscript from 1697; on the right is our reprint.
From Benjamin Keach, The Glory of a True Church (1697)
What is the difference between Digital Archive and Books?
We are currently working on getting our entire catalog in print. When a BHP book becomes available in print, it will no longer be available as a free digital download. The Digital Archive are books in our catalog that have not made it into print yet. Once a book goes into print, it will move from our free Digital Archive page to our Books page.